neděle 31. ledna 2010

Ze srdce / Love is in the air cookies

Spanilá krása krajky z bílkové polevy hovoří sama za sebe. Nebudu ji tedy rušit nějakým komentářem.
Patří mezi mé oblíbené a to nejen pro spoji křehkou krásu. Chce to jen trochu cviku, dokonale prosátý cukr (pro jemnou práci prosívám přes hedvábí a to i včetně bílku) a hlavně málo polevy, aby se Vám dobře zdobilo.
Ráda si své výtvory vždy vyfotím. Mohu si tak vyrobit vlastní přání, dárkové jmenovky či nálepky.
Dárkové kazety plné vlastnoručně vyrobených laskomin tak dostanou extra šmrnc. Vše je tématicky i barvně sladěné a stačí už jen převázat saténovou stužkou.

Piping is my favourite. Delicate lacework turns a seemingly boring object into a luxurious treat in no time. A couple of years ago I made one of these gingerbread hearts for my mum for Mother's day. She still has it on display. She said she could never bite into something so beautiful.

Decorating gingerbread has got a long tradition in the Czech Republic and in our family.
I think I was playing with royal icing before I could speak.

I made these gingerbread hearts to pay tribute to the Czech tradition.

5 komentářů:

  1. Oh, Hana,

    What a lovely picture with my First Cup this morming! I cannot imagine being able to scribe those tiny patterns and lines.

    These are the most exquisitely done small sweets I've ever seen, and I certainly understand your Mom's treasuring of hers.

    Thank you for sharing these elegant, beautiful creations---you are a true artist, in every sense.


  2. P.S. Would you permit me to put one of your images onto my blog and link your site so my readers could come here and see?

    I already have you on my sidebar, so I'll know when you've put up a fresh post, and I'd love to be able to show them your lovely creations.


  3. Dear Rachel,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Your comment left me speechless and blushing.

    In regards to your PS, yes, you have got my permission. It would be wonderful to know what your readers think :)

    Warm regards,


  4. Hana,

    I've written a little piece and linked your blog today in Lawn Tea.

    I know my readers will love your beautiful work and appreciate your gift as I do.


  5. Hana - I am a friend of Rachel's and was directed to you from her blog. I am just amazed and in awe of the talent that you have. I can't wait to have the time to really go back and examine all of your beautiful work. I'll be back often! Thank you.


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